Online specialty store in beads with more than 13,000 products in stock. Long order history. Lots of repeat customers. Huge customer base. Great name recognition. Strong SEO. – Revenue: € 20000
Online store in kitchen appliances parts
Online store in kitchen appliances parts with a long order history of almost 20 years and a large customer base of more than 19000 customers. B2B and B2C. Minimum time commitment. – Revenue: € 12000
Online business in trendy interior accessories
Online business in trendy interior accessories and lifestyle items. Sells own brand and other brands that are purchased worldwide. Large social media reach (18.5K followers). Bol sales account. – Revenue: € 16000
Bol listing and web store in funny/colorful socks for sale listing and web store for sale in funny socks with colorful motifs. Very nicely packaged, partly because of this an excellent gift. Minimum time commitment of approx. 2 hours per week. – Revenue: € 11719
Creative online business for sale in dried flowers
Online business for creative entrepreneurs for sale. Focused on the sale of colorful dried flowers and dried bouquets. Invested a lot in SEO, SEA and social media reach. – Revenue: € 9887
Well-performing brand in agile working method for sale
Brand, responding to the growing market of agile work for sale. Sales through and Amazon account. High profit margins, low return rates. Small number of SKUs. – Revenue: € 215000