Successful online business in luxury wines. Great brand awareness within niche. Long order history. Excellent organic findability. Lots of regular customers and excellent reviews. – Revenue: € 222614
Brand and Bol account in maintenance items
Brand and Bol sales account in maintenance items with protective effect. Registered trademark. Online store with 100% organic traffic. Minimum time commitment of approx. 1 hour per week. – Revenue: € 40000
Online stores in electric toys
Two online stores in electric toys based on dropshipping. Long order history. Renewed in 2019. Strong SEO, revenue largely organic. Large social media reach. – Revenue: € 150000
Online business in printed cards
Online business in printed cards. Sales via Dutch and German online stores. Collaboration with web stores in UK and FA. Good Google positions. Takeover includes print supplies! – Revenue: € 70000
Online store in personalized items
Young online store in personalized articles. Works on the basis of dropshipping. Dutch and Chinese suppliers. Strong Google positions. Minimal time commitment. – Revenue: € 28000
Own brand in interior accessories
Own brand in interior accessories. BOIP registered. Time commitment about 5 hours/week. – Revenue: € 86500