Successful online business in product licenses, born out of a powerful collaboration, is looking for a new owner. Strong Google positions, significant turnover and profit. Sale for financing new projects. – Revenue: € 150000
Natural essential oil and wellness brand with own formulas
For sale: A unique, fully natural essential oil and wellness brand, complete with its own formulas and product education. A ready-made opportunity for holistic health enthusiasts. – Revenue: € 4200
Gaming online business in games, consoles and accessories for sale
Gaming online business with global customer base available for sale. Approx. 10 years of order history. Large social media following on YouTube and Facebook. – Revenue: € 20000
Online business luxury watches (Private label)
Successful online business watches. Private label. International sales with largest market in DE, NL and Arab countries. – Revenue: € 226853
Turnkey Software Development Firm – $1.1M TTM Revenue with 46% YoY Growth
Valuation This opportunity is attractively priced at a multiple of 2.7x TTM SDE, reflecting its solid historical performance, accelerated growth, and healthy margins. This valuation offers significant value, as it captures the company’s committed revenue streams, strong profit margins, rapid growth, and long-term client relationships. These factors contribute to the company’s already impressive track record […]
Online business with fitness clothing for women for sale
Young and successful online business in fitness clothing for sale. The product range is aimed exclusively at women and the designs fit well with the body shape. – Revenue: € 433197