A 5 year old FBA store business in the Sports and Outdoor industry earning $12,890 per month. Registered in US trademark included.
Service | Internet
Assets sale for a high-profit online agency specializing in done-for-you dropshipping stores. Indispensable ad data/strategy and long client list included.
Ecommerce | Home and Garden
High-quality bedroom sets, dining rooms and living room furniture with free shipping nationwide. Free furniture assembly is available in many states.
15-year-old humor content site making $2,102/month. 77.5k Pinterest followers & 65k Facebook followers. Low-maintenance site (seller works only 3 hours/week).
Content | Automotive
5yr old content site in automotive niche. Multiple income streams (ads, affiliate, 5 proprietary info digital products). $942/mo and lots of untapped potential.
Ecommerce | Lifestyle
A 4+ year-old profitable dropshipping business. Highly profitable, large social accounts and only requiring about 2-3 hours per week to maintain.