5-Yr Shopify eCom Biz | $90K Stock | 3.5K+ Email List | No Marketing for 18 Months & Still Selling | Huge Growth Potential | Urgent Sale Priced to Sell!
Leading BPO Business
The company is a leading Business Process Outsourcing provider with over 13 years of experience and is a prominent player in the BPO industry. The company offers a wide array of services to clients across various sectors. Its glob …
McQueen Lightning Cars
McQueen Lightning Cars is an endless racing game in a physical environment against trees and other obstacles!
SaaS | Business
An AI powered tool for marketers, SEOs, and entrepreurs.
Ecommerce | Design and Style
Profitable online swimwear business in the Design and Style industry established in 2016 with strong revenue and profit margins. Custom designed swimwear.
Astrological planner online business with growth potential for sale
For sale: Online business with a strong brand identity and online proposition, specialized in astrological planners and complementary products. Revenue and profitability present. – Revenue: € 120000