Established Luxury Jewelry eCommerce business with strong revenue and profit margin. Ready for growth and expansion opportunities.
UK website – massive potential. Can increase sales/turnover with ease but I’ve been doing this on my own remotely from home. Plenty of room to expand
db Surplus
8-year owner operated Ebay store selling vintage electronics, industrial and commercial electronics. Sold everything from an Ambulances to an X-Ray machines
Women’s web site since 2011: fashion, beauty, health, shopping and fitness. For fashion woman! With 21k articles published.
Reputable and Relocatable Transportation Company Based in Newcastle
Founded in 2001, this Newcastle-based transportation company has established itself as a leading provider of high-quality, reliable, and safe transport services. The company specialises in patient…
Second Number for WhatsApp
Available for acquisition is an app that provides users with the ability to use a second WhatsApp account on their device. The app was launched in June 2022. All traffic and revenue is 100% organic. NOTE – Financials shown are the run rate based on the most recent three month average. TTM is $203,567 revenue […]